What is Nail Fungal Infection?
You don’t often notice a Nail Fungal Infection straight away because it is not painful and because you don’t inspect your feet regularly. However, it is important for you to treat a nail infection as soon as you notice symptoms such as nail fungus and itchy toes, as it will not clear up on its own and may even spread.1
A Nail Fungal Infection (also known as onychomycosis) is mainly caused by dermatophytes, the same fungi responsible for athlete’s foot.2 Toenail fungus is the most difficult to cure of all fungal infections. There are many different causes of nail fungal infections.3
There are many different causes of Nail Fungal Infections. The most prevalent predisposing risk factor is advanced age. Patients over 60 years of age are nearly 20 times more at risk of developing nail fungal infection in comparison with patients younger than 19 years of age
It has been also discovered that men are up to three times more likely to have nail fungal infection than women). Other risk factors include diabetes, diseases that cause poor blood circulation and a weakened immune system.4
Since fungi thrives in warm and moist environments, it's easy to assume that a nail fungal infection would be prevalent in tropical climates. Not true! People living in hot and humid weather don’t wear occlusive footwear that creates ideal conditions for toenail fungus to develop.
Nail Fungal Infections are very contagious. A nail infection does not only occur in places like shower stalls, swimming pools and locker rooms where people are barefoot, but also in nail salons, where the same tools are used for multiple customers. Besides that, nail trauma, which damages the nail-skin natural barrier, can also increase your chances of developing a nail fungal infection.5
Nail Fungal Infection symptoms

Nail fungus prevention
Nail Fungal Infections can take a long time to clear because your nail grows slowly. Hence, you will only notice improvement once a new nail has grown through. It is not uncommon for nail infections to return. However, you can take some measures to stop nail fungal infections from recurring. Some simple lifestyle changes can help you to prevent nail fungal infections. The most important thing is to take care of your nails by keeping them well trimmed and clean. You should also practice good hygiene by washing and drying your hands frequently, especially after touching an infected nail, or after treatment.
Other ways of preventing Nail Fungal Infections are:
Nail Fungal Infections are contagious, so it is important you take measures to prevent them from spreading. First of all, you shouldn’t share your clothes, shoes and bed linens with other people. Also, you should always wash your hands thoroughly after touching infected nails or applying a treatment product. You should avoid having manicures and pedicures done in a salon because you can spread an infection further through the salon's tools. Also, use different towels for the infected area and the rest of your body to prevent the infection from spreading. It is advisable to mention your infection to your loved ones so they can be cautious and avoid catching it.13
- Check if it's a nail fungal infection, in: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/fungal-nail-infection/
- What causes onychomycosis?, in: Eisman, S. & Sinclair, R., Nail fungal infection: diagnosis and management, in: BMJ, 2014
- Is Onychomycosis Still a Problem?, in: Ghannoum, M., & Isham, N. (2014). Nail Fungal Infections (Onychomycosis): A Never-Ending Story? PLoS Pathogens, 10(6). doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1004105
- What Are the Risk Factors for Toenail Onychomycosis?, in: Ghannoum, M., Op.cit.
- Ibid
- Check if it's a nail fungal infection, in: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/fungal-nail-infection/
- Check if it's a nail fungal infection, in: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/fungal-nail-infection/
- A pharmacist can help with nail fungal infections, in: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/fungal-nail-infection/
- See a GP if… and Treatment for a nail fungal infection from a GP, in: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/fungal-nail-infection/
- Ibid